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Scott McLean Golf Academy - October News

Welcome to Scott McLean Golf Academy 2017

Good Evening all,

Welcome to our October Newsletter, 2017.

Welcome back to Term 4 This week has seen 27 new students join our academy, a few new classes have been formed to cater for our new students, welcome to the family crew.

Departed Perth Friday 22nd September

Saturday 23rd - free day light practice session at the Sydney Golf Academy facilities

Sunday 24th - Royal Sydney Golf Club

Monday 25th - Hurstville Junior Open - Winner Alysha, Yeah-Jin 3rd, Jordan 2nd

Tuesday 26th - Liverpool Junior Open - Winner Alysha, Winner Jordan

Wednesday 27th - The Ridge Junior Open - Winner Alysha, Yeah-Jin 2nd, Winner Jordan

Thursday 28th - The NSW Golf Club

Friday 29th - Stonecutters Junior Open - Winner Yeah-Jin, Alysha 4th, Winner Jordan

Saturday 30th - light practice and recovery session

Sunday 1st October - travel up to The Hunter. approx 2.5-3 hours..

Monday 2nd - Practice Day, play the course, mapping, course management.

Tuesday 3rd to Friday 6th Jack Newton International Results Winner Boys Sub Junior - Jordan Jung -7, by 5 shots both Alysha and Yeah-Jin finished 8th in their respective age groups and 23rd overall, both girls exceeded their National Rankings and collected world ranking points along the way.

Looking into 2018, would your business like to be on over 100 polos as a Sponsor, if so then contact me 0421 829 457 with a range of options available, you will also your logo on this email as our Sponsors below.

PLEASE NOTE - Scott McLean Golf Academy Facebook page and Scott McLean Golf Academy on Instagram has all the news required for our fickle weather, all our updates are posted on those pages regarding classes, make sure you like and follow the pages to be kept up to date.. Our Social Media platforms are gaining great response throughout the globe, Facebook takes care of our local communities, however Instagram is a global platform and we have some very influential people following our every move, if you have an account be sure to follow scottmcleangolfacademy.

Adult Clinics Monday 7-8pm will resume Term 4 and our 7.30-8.30pm Thursday will resume Term 4, Our Beginner Clinic on Wednesday mornings 9-10am is Full, our 10-11amPlayers Clinic also is Full. NEW TIME - our Friday "FIXIT" class has grown rapidly, Friday $20 walk-in class, each week we cover a theme (eg: sandplay). We now conduct this Clinic from 9-10am Fridays, this Friday the 15th will be our last this term and will resume Friday 13th October. My Golf - Melville Golf Centre is now a provider. NEXT EVENT - Wow so many little ones out and about over the holidays, great results continue for the Academy. RED this is what we want, we want all the Academy on show, good golf, good friendships and good sportsmanship. Win or Lose it doesn't matter, what matters is how you represent yourselves, your family and our Academy.

Private Lessons

I now have some allocated times for Adults and Children to have private lessons. If you are interested in having a private session please contact me on - 0421 829 457.

Adult Clinics and Private Tuition

Our adults clinics are up and running again and days are as follows.

Monday: 7-8pm (on hold) Wednesday: 9-10 am FULL Wednesday: 10-11am FULL Thursday: 6:30-7:30 pm Friday: 9-10am (new Friday "Fixit" session) all clinics are $20 and no bookings required.

SGA Tour Events

If there are any Adults or Children who would like to join a tour, we regularly hold events throughout WA, follow the below link for more options, The SGA Tour is heading into its busy time across Australia with so many big events happening on the East Coast, if you would like to be apart of those or just read up about SGA follow the link provided. The next event is at Mandurah CC Oct. 15th.


- Saturday the 21st of October -


- The West Australian Open -

A few years back we headed to the WA Open held at Royal Fremantle Golf Club, this year in October (Saturday 21st) we will be joined by 4 other coaching academies at Royal Perth.. This golf excursion for all SMGA juniors will be to watch some of Australasia's great young talent, we will be heading down to Royal Perth from 10-2pm..meeting at the Pro-Shop. Parents welcome, parking will be extremely difficult and kiss and drop advised. We will meet at the pro-shop at 10am SHARP. Juniors are to provide their own snacks, drinks and lunch in a small backpack. This is not compulsory to attend but there will be NO COACHING on the 21st of October. RED SMGA POLO a MUST for easy identification. Scott McLean Golf Academy - website

Have a look at the players page, bio's of the players will be updated over the next few days, The Junior HP Squad and Senior HP Squad have been training under fatigue the past few weeks and the results are showing on the course as the winners above prove this. Its a specialized training squad that I hope all juniors aspire to be in over their relevant time frames in golf. Congratulations to Sean and Rohan who have shown great improvement over term 3 and now see themselves training in the HP Junior Squad.

Good Golfing and keep smiling :)

Regards Scott McLean PGA Australia 0421 829 457

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