Scott McLean Golf Academy - March/April News

Welcome to Scott McLean Golf Academy 2018
Good Evening SMGA players, With first term now nearly behind us its been a very busy time at the Academy, below is a little thats happened Melville Golf Centre- Easter Trading Hours Good Friday - Closed Saturday - 9am-9pm Sunday & Monday - 9am-5pm School Holiday Clinics- The dates for our Junior Clinics will out soon, it will be the second week of the holidays for sure. WA State Amature Results- Congratulations to Yeah-Jin who set herself a top 4 finish, finishing 4th in the stroke and qualifying for the match-play. Yeah-Jin at times played some amazing golf, Friday she won her 2 matches, this lead to a match against the Number 1 seed who she managed to beat and make it through the 36 hole Sunday Final. Hitting off on the Sunday both girls seemed very nervous, as the day day got older the golf improved and by lunch Yeah-Jin was just in front at 2 up. After lunch Abbie played a steady even par 9 holes to be square with 9 holes to go, Yeah-Jin managed to keep herself in front only just though, standing on the 13th all square this is where the result remained the same till the end of 36 holes. A Play Off, the first hole both players hit great tee shots, and both pitched to inside 8 feet, unfortunately after Abbie holed her putt, Yeah-Jin lipped out to lose on the 37th hole. It was a successful week for Yeah-Jin who was also selected to present the WA Ladies Team in South Australia in May, and I am positive that this wont be her last WA State Final either.

WA Junior Ace Program - over 80 kids spent 3 hours chipping, putting and playing golf for the 1st WA Junior Ace Program Talent ID Day held at MGC on Sunday 25th March. Despite a little rain and wind the kids got to meet Min Woo Lee, Hayden Barron and Kieran Day and have a little fun.

Monday Madness - Term 2 there are 9 Mondays and I am offering an Adult Special, for the 9 Mondays of Term 2 between 9.30am-12.30pm you will pay $65 for a 1 hour lesson, thats right $65 only, hurry to book your lessons..
CaptoPutting Technology-
We can know really improve your putting stroke with our new Capto Precision Putting Technology. This indoor/outdoor all surface technology will certainly give you more confidence on the greens, a simple device attached to the putter shaft calculates 22 tiles of information for us to help improve your putting. This system was released at the PGA Show in the USA late last year and looks to be taking over from the SAM Putting Lab, would you like to be the first to try it?

Adult Clinics- Wednesday & Friday AM clinics will break for April School Holidays, April 11 and 13 will be our last sessions, resuming Wednesday 2nd of May & Friday 4th of May.
MGI- electric buggies are now on offer, the best price guaranteed, if your looking to update your buggy or wanting to buy a new electric buggy then go no further. take a look at the website choose a buggy and then ask me for a great price.
The Junior Tour is well under way for 2018, check the Tour Schedule by following the links provided. Thankyou to all those who have been playing in the events, we still have some youngsters ready for these so please take that step and get involved with the STS Golf WA Junior Tour.
US Kids - We are seeing a lot of kids playing the US Kids Series in WA, this is fantastic. Remember your Dream can happen if you dare to dream big, Pinehurst could be your next step. With only 1 event left it could be important for your qualification, April 8th at Marri Park Mizuno Fitting/Demo Day at MGC. We are confirming a date with Mizuno for the 2nd week of the school holidays to hold a Fitting/Demo Day, bookings will be a must. Sponsorship Opportunities
Please take time to familiarize yourself with the companies listed at the bottom of this page, their support this year will help your golfing future. If you or your company or personal who would like to become a 2018 sponsor please inform me ASAP so we can look into getting new technology for the academy. We have currently 2 new sponsors but we need 2-3 more to make this happen. We will be using the sponsorship to look into new teaching aids & technology for the academy. We can offer corporate lesson sessions for you and you clients or create a package to suit your needs. Please contact me if your interested - 0421 829 457.
Private Lessons If you are looking at private lessons in term 2 please inform me ASAP so we can set out times and dates that suit. WA Golf- The Season is well under way and with the holidays coming up you have 6+ events that you can compete in. Well done to Alysha, Sehee & Yeah-Jin who are all playing in the Golf Australia event this week, Bowra O'Dea 72 holes at Cottesloe GC, wishing you all great final rounds. Adult Supervised Clinic Packages - Basic Package - 10 hours of supervised practice sessions + 1 private lesson. Cost $195 Player Package - 10 hours of supervised practice sessions + 2 private lessons. Cost $275
PLEASE NOTE 2018 will see Facebook & Instagram our way to communicate with you, all our updates are posted on those pages regarding classes, weather conditions etc. Make sure you like and follow the pages to be kept up to date..ScottMcLean Golf Academy Facebook page and on Instagram Scott McLean Golf Academy - Our Social Media platforms are gaining great response throughout the globe, Facebook takes care of our local communities, however Instagram is a global platform and we have some very influential people following our every move, if you have an account be sure to follow scottmcleangolfacademy.
Dates to REMEMBER - The Masters @ Augusta 5th-8th April Australian Junior AM held in Perth 11th,12th & 13th April Australian Junior Interstate Series 15th, 16th & 17th April
Our next game will be at Port Kennedy on the 14th April, for those juniors and adults who have a handicap or are just looking at a social game among friends this may be for you. To the Juniors who are starting to play 18 holes with the WA Golf Events then its a great way to build on you 18 hole competitive play, it has proven a great learning platform for a number of our elite players, Tiaan +2, now playing in South Africa, Yeah-Jin 0 and Alysha 1 both playing and representing WA in golf in elite squads.

Good Golfing and keep smiling in 2018 :)